It is the basic unit of loosely-coupled composition within a SCA System. 它是SCA系统内的松散耦合组合的基本单元。
Differed from traditional messaging technologies, such as Remote Method Invocation, JMS promotes the reliability of asynchronous communication between components in distributed computing environments, and can be used for establishing loosely-coupled messaging system. Therefore, it simplifies the development of enterprise applications. 与传统消息技术如RMI相比较,JMS促进了分布式计算环境中各个组件之间可靠的异步通信,可以用来构建松散耦合的消息系统,从而大大简化了企业应用的开发过程。
On the other side, Web Services is a loosely-coupled system with a set of services to communicate with each other. The connection of services is based on the well-defined interfaces and protocols. 在Web服务方面,Web服务作为SOA的主要实现技术,通过服务间彼此通信来构建松散耦合的系统,不同服务之间通过定义良好的接口和约定联系起来。
With the rapid development of information technology, enterprises are facing increasingly complex IT environment, and there is an urgent need for a loosely-coupled and platform-independent system to deal with rapid changes in the outside world. 随着信息化的迅猛发展,企业面临的IT环境越来越复杂,迫切需要一个松散耦合的、与平台无关的系统来应对外界快速的变化。
In this process, we take the advantage of Drools, a rule engine, to separate the plan library and rule library, and helps generating loosely-coupled application system. 在这个过程中,利用了Drools规则引擎来分离规划库和规则库的,实现实例和策略之间的松耦合机制。
The distributed remote service system of CNC machine tool based on Web services technology can ensure to realize the customized service-oriented mechanism, the fully distributed transaction processing function, and the loosely-coupled system structure. 利用WebServices技术开发数控机床分布式远程服务系统,可以完全实现远程服务系统面向服务定制机制、事务处理的完全非集中分布式、体系的松耦合结构。